
AI, ESG, and 1.5 Degrees

Moving to a sustainable future on a global scale is challenging. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) was founded to encourage member nations to develop sustainability agendas. Through their Financial Initiative (UNEPFI), the UN plans to harness the power of the financial system to this end as well. How can banks, insurers, and investors help accelerate sustainable development? How can they manage transition risk, namely the collection of non-physical risks associated with the transition to environmental sustainability? Does artificial intelligence (AI) have any role to play? In 2015, the Financial Stability Board created the Task Force on Climate Related Financial […]

Geopolitical Risks

Many conflicts and potential conflicts disturb various parts of the world in the post-pandemic era. For those who must manage various sources of risk in a portfolio, what are the biggest threats on the horizon? Is there a common thread among several sources of conflict? The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) provides a series of podcasts featuring specialists discussing their area of risk and we at TextMedic enjoy listening in. This is the first podcast we have summarized in our blog, and for starters we delve into country risk. On April 14, 2024, Daniel Wagner, CEO of Country Risk […]