Dirty Deals
“The global plastic waste trade is an environmental disaster hiding in plain sight, fuelling organised crime, working conditions that amount to human rights violations and devastation to human health and the environment.” This is according to a report released on November 5, 2024, by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) in Britain. ♠️ Click here to access “Dirty Deals Part 2″ from the EIA website.
State of Wildfires
The potential for burning grows every month under climate change, as drought conditions increase in frequency and intensity. The dangers change unevenly, country by country and region by region. Ultimately, the operational risk of wildfires adds to country risk. But how bad is the current situation? Has anyone tried to benchmark, or systematically quantify, the events and the damages? An effort to benchmark the state of destruction has begun in a climate centre in England, the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia in Britain. The findings of an expert panel were released in the inaugural report, “State of Wildfires 2023–2024,” […]
Immigration Spike Eases Labor Shortage
For accurate predictions, models depend on accurate input data. For this reason, the U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) routinely updates demographic information about the United States. Recently, errors on the orders of millions of people have come to light. Why are the estimates of the number of immigrants off base, and what are the effects on economic planning? “The CBO now projects that 3.3 million people on net immigrated to the United States in both 2023 and 2024,” according to an economic letter released by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (FRBSF) on July 15, 2024. “These estimates are […]
Special Report
What is it like being a climate scientist in these days of global warming? Do climate scientists truly believe the global temperature rise can be halted at 1.5 degrees C? The Guardian Weekly posted a special report on climate change May 17, 2024. To answer these questions, take a read. Author Damian Carrington surveyed 380 climate scientists and found sobering results. ♠️ Click here to go to the Guardian page with the Special Report.
World Energy Outlook
On October 24, 2023, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released its annual report, World Energy Outlook (WEO), to an international audience. The agency states that the energy world “remains fragile but has effective ways to improve energy security and tackle emissions.” Agency analysts looked at how close the countries of the world are to meeting the objectives of the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE) Scenario, which limits global warming to 1.5 °C, a goal signed by many countries and often referred to as the Paris Agreement. [As of March 2021, 194 states and the European Union have signed the […]
Bearing Witness
Climate change is the biggest issue of the present day. It affects the physical world, and will irrevocably change economics and business. For scientists coping with climate changes, today we at TextMedic pause to consider: How does it feel to know you are studying the last of certain species? or ecosystems that are irreparably damaged? Today’s weekly magazine of the New York Times calls itself “the climate issue.” Several pieces of excellent journalism speak about climate change. The most poignant article in the climate issue profiles 7 scientists whose life’s work will soon be made irrelevant, due the destructive power […]
Disruptions, Costs & Markets
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused supply chain disruptions. How much have the costs of international trade increased? What impact has this had on the U.S. economy? What is the effect on labor force participation? Can existing models properly quantify these effects? Recent research by three leading economists tried to model the real-life situation of U.S. dependence on a global supply chain and what happened when parts of that chain were broken. (“Broken” encompasses several scenarios: “ports being closed or operating at partial capacity, fewer workers being available for health reasons, and a shortage of shipping containers, among other challenges.”) On […]
Inflation & Wage Growth
As the U.S. economy emerges from the pandemic, inflation has been climbing. What effect has this had on average wages? Will it be a long-lasting effect? Recent research by leading economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (FRBSF) dives into these questions. “Our findings show that, since the pandemic, inflation expectations have been playing a more prominent role in wage-setting dynamics than in the past,” say the four authors of a paper released on September 6, 2022. Òscar Jordà is a senior policy advisor, Fernanda Nechio is a vice president, and Celeste Liu and Fabián Rivera-Reyes are both […]
The Beveridge Curve
In early 2021, in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the U.S. saw many workers leave their jobs and seek other employment—leading to record high job vacancies—a phenomenon observed dubbed “the great resignation.” Lately, inflation is rising, markets are cooling, and the great resignation appears to be slowing. The question becomes: How will unemployment rise as growth slows and job vacancies decline? On August 29, 2022, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (FRBSF) released an Economic Letter titled “Finding a Soft Landing along the Beveridge Curve” that explores the current relationship between unemployment and economic growth. The paper was […]
“Disasters Everywhere”
What is the cost of a disaster? What is the cost of the business cycle? Economically speaking, how do business cycles compare with disasters? The cost of business cycles and the gain to be had from stabilization policy is a highly controversial topic in macroeconomics. Some believe the welfare gains from stabilizing the business cycle are extremely low and therefore not worth the effort. “Depression prevention and stabilization policies are central to the discipline of macroeconomics,” conclude the authors of recent research published by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. “Extreme and costly events are not the only reason […]