
Europe: Is the worst over? Part I.

“The US had one financial crisis in 2008, but Europe has had two crises—2008 and 2011,” said Philippe Ithurbide, Global Head of Research, Analysis, and Strategy at Amundi Asset Management. He was addressing members of the CFA Society Toronto that had gathered in the TMX Group Centre in downtown Toronto on the evening of November 19, 2013 to hear an overview of European market trends. The first half of his talk was a comprehensive quantified description of the financial woes of the euro zone, followed by several proposed solutions and investments strategies in the second half. In the quarters since […]

Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business

Jonny Zivku, Product Manager at Maplesoft, gave a tour of the web-based tutoring and assessment product Maple T.A. on November 12, 2013. To highlight its features, Zivku drew on content that was tailored specifically for Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business by Teresa Bradley.  This is one of the leading introductory textbooks on mathematics for students of business and economics, and was recently re-issued in its fourth edition by John Wiley & Sons. Each chapter of the book is structured with an overview, explanation, and applications.  Students who do the exercises can check their answers against solutions given at the end of […]

How New Regulations Are Breaking Down Silos. Part 2: Look at Economics

An institution “needs to have a strong cross-risk function which coordinates all parties in order to influence the recovery plan,” said Dr. Andrea Burgtorf, Head of Stress Testing, Risk Analytics and Instruments at Deutsche Bank. She was speaking at the GARP webinar on May 21, 2013 about the effect of new regulations on risk management. As part of the Basel III mandate to develop a Recovery and Resolution Plan, a bank must include analysis of all critical economic functions, and this, said Burgtorf, “forces a bank to examine what are its core and non-core businesses, and to decide which governance […]