
The Achilles Heel of Banking

After last decade’s financial crisis, regulators introduced several new measures to reduce systemic risk in the financial system. How are the new safeguards working? What are the implications for future balance sheet structure? The CFA Society Toronto convened a panel of three experts on November 25, 2020, to discuss the new regulatory capital and liquidity frameworks and how they are reshaping the way Canadian banks approach the market. The webinar, including a Q&A session, was moderated by Nigel D’Souza, Investment Analyst, Veritas Investment Research. “There’s no doubt the financial crisis changed balance sheets,” said Bruce Choy, Managing Director (Former Risk […]

Ethical Decision Making

Why do well-meaning people engage in unethical behavior? Given that a healthy financial market depends on trust, and that trust is earned through ethical behaviour, ethics are fundamental to ensuring the integrity of finance professionals. A panel of two experts in ethical decision making from the CFA Institute—Jon Stokes, Director, and Paul Johnson, Manager and Special Investigator—spoke live to an audience of about 700 on October 21, 2020 in celebration of Global Ethics Day 2020. A survey of 3500 retail investors showed which industry sectors they ranked as “highly trustworthy.” Medicine was at the top of the list, with 68 […]

Climate Risk Survey

Investors continue to ask for more investment strategies that target environment and sustainability. When it comes to capability to manage financial risks due to climate change, how far along are firms in addressing the issues? The second annual global survey of climate risk management at financial firms, sponsored by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), was presented in a webinar on September 22, 2020. The report is co-authored by Jo Paisley, Co-President, and Maxine Nelson, Senior Vice President at GARP. Paisley began by taking a quick poll of the audience, chiefly GARP members. “Why are you interested in the […]

ESG disclosures: apples vs oranges

When it comes to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) funds, do you feel like we are still comparing apples with oranges? Isn’t it time for a global voluntary standard? “There’s been an explosion of interest in ESG investing, but the inconsistency in ESG-related disclosures could lead to an erosion of trust in the industry,” said Deborah Kidd, who is a director with the Global Industry Standards (GIPS). She was the first of two panelists who presented a consultation paper on “ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products” at a webinar titled “Improving Transparency and Comparability of Investment Products with ESG-related Features” […]

Impact of Covid-19: Economics

How is the world grappling with the Covid-19 Pandemic, especially in the realm of economics? The magazine the Economist presented a webinar on July 30, 2020, titled “The Inside Story: The Impact of Covid-19.” Helen Joyce, executive editor for events at the Economist, interviewed a science writer and an economics editor. This is part two of a two-part summary of that webinar. The second panellist was Henry Cur, an economics editor. He said the economic crisis precipitated by the pandemic is markedly different from “garden variety recessions.” “The scale of unemployment is greater than the 2008 downturn,” he said, “and […]

Private Equity in “the new normal”

From pandemic to protectionism, global events and trends are having an impact on the private equity (PE) markets. From a Canadian perspective, what effect are these issues having on the alignment between PE investors and PE fund managers? In Toronto on July 9, 2020, Helen Pham welcomed three panellists to the webinar titled, “Private Market Trends: Improving Alignment Between Investors and Managers.” The webinar was organized by the institutional asset management committee of the CFA Society Toronto. The panellists shared their thoughts on how investors should view effects of the global pandemic on private equity markets and the associated risks […]

“Disasters Everywhere”

What is the cost of a disaster? What is the cost of the business cycle? Economically speaking, how do business cycles compare with disasters? The cost of business cycles and the gain to be had from stabilization policy is a highly controversial topic in macroeconomics. Some believe the welfare gains from stabilizing the business cycle are extremely low and therefore not worth the effort. “Depression prevention and stabilization policies are central to the discipline of macroeconomics,” conclude the authors of recent research published by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. “Extreme and costly events are not the only reason […]

Top 5 Trends in Risk Management

The champagne has been drunk, and the New Year has been rung in. What trends are predicted in risk management as we welcome the new decade? “In 2020, we’ll likely see significant changes in risk models, processes and functions,” predicts Brenda Boultwood, Risk Advisory Partner at Deloitte. As a senior expert in risk culture and corporate governance, she published an article online January 10, 2020, for the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). We present the highlights and a link to the full article below. The three lines of defense business model, as we know it, will end This is actually […]

From brown energy to green

How will climate change affect the financial sector and the broader economy? What policy responses will mitigate climate change risks? Recently, the US Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) sponsored the first conference dedicated to exploring the economic and financial risks associated with climate change. “Climate change will have sweeping effects on our economy and financial system,” says the report summarizing the main themes of the conference. The report, released on December 16, 2019, was co-authored by Galina B. Hale, Òscar Jordà, and Glenn D. Rudebusch. Hale is a research advisor and Jordà and Rudebusch are both senior policy advisors at the Federal […]

A Good Start…

Financial risks due to climate change are receiving more attention of late, particularly for investors and regulators, but how far along are firms in addressing the issues? A report on climate risk management at financial firms tabled on June 28, 2019, sponsored by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), answers the question with its subtitle: “A Good Start, But More Work to Do.” The report is co-authored by Jo Paisley, Co-President, and Maxine Nelson, Senior Vice President at GARP. “Our sample covered 20 banks and seven other financial institutions … from across the globe. These firms have a global […]