risk management

How New Regulations Are Breaking Down Silos. Part 1: Stress Testing

“Financial regulators have introduced stress testing as a means to cut across silos,” said Dan Travers, VP of Product Management, Adaptiv at SunGard and the opening speaker at a GARP webinar on May 21, 2013. Historically, he noted, financial risk has been treated as a set of separate units (or silos) across the main types of risk: credit, market, operational, and liquidity risk, the latter connected to asset-liability management (ALM). The new reporting demands of Basel III and Dodd-Frank serve to break down silos, Travers said, with such things as incremental risk charge being reported as capital percentage for the […]

Evolution of the OTC Swaps Markets. Part 2: Lessons Learned

The scramble to meet the Phase 1 deadline of new regulations on swaps “was a significant learning experience,” said Bis Chatterjee, Global Head of E-Trading, Credit Markets at Citi. He was the second speaker in a webinar panel organized by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) on May 14, 2013. The deadline that came into effect March 11, 2013 pertained to the Dodd-Frank Act governing over-the-counter (OTC) swaps. (Two more phases will follow; see Part 1 for details.) There were challenges first of all, Chatterjee said, in the self-identification of market participants in Phase 1. Second, even if you […]

Evolution of the OTC Swaps Markets. Part 1: “Futurization” of Swaps

Recent reforms to the swaps market can be thought of as “the futurization of swaps,” said Nathan Jenner, COO Fixed Income E-Trading at Bloomberg. He was addressing a webinar audience on May 14, 2013 as the first speaker in a panel organized by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) on the evolution of the market for over-the-counter (OTC) swaps. Five years ago, “derivatives were perceived as a catalyst in precipitating” the financial crisis of 2007-08, said Jenner. For example, it wasn’t immediately apparent who were all the counterparties to the AIG swaps. Pricing was “murky,” he said, and risk […]

Spotting Signs of Poor Corporate Governance. Part 2: ESG Management

Corporate governance is only one part of an overall phenomenon known as “ESG management,” or how a company handles environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues. “Research shows that companies that disclose more ESG information are more likely to enjoy a lower cost of capital,” said Max Zehrt, Senior Manager at Sustainalytics. He was addressing a noon-hour seminar of financial analysts and portfolio managers on the subject of corporate governance on May 8, 2013 at the offices of the CFA Society Toronto. His talk was the second part of a two-speaker panel moderated by Toby Heaps of Corporate Knights. Zehrt was […]

Spotting Signs of Poor Corporate Governance. Part 1: “Ask the Tough Questions”

“Good governance practices are important for the sound financial growth of a corporation—the board directs and protects,” said Stephen Kibsey, VP Equity Risk Management at Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec. On May 8, 2013 he addressed a noon-hour seminar of financial analysts and portfolio managers through remote link on the subject of corporate governance at the offices of the CFA Society Toronto. His talk was the first part of a two-speaker panel moderated by Toby Heaps, co-founder and president of Corporate Knights. Kibsey pointed out that concern over matters like environment, social and governance (ESG) issues within a […]

Stress Testing: Part 2. The Next Generation

There are five key considerations for the “next generation” of financial stress testing, said Tom Kimner, Head of Americas Risk Practice & Global Risk Products at SAS. He was addressing a webinar audience on May 7, 2013 as the second speaker in a panel organized by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP).  Modern stress testing must be measured against the key considerations of performance, efficiency, completeness, transparency, and compliance. The goal of turning stress testing into an “early warning system seemed futuristic only a few years ago,” admitted Kimner at the outset of his talk. He contrasted the world […]

Stress Testing: Part 1. Balance Numbers and Narrative

“Uncertainty is a fundamental part of business. Major shifts occur without warning, triggered by a single event, or combination of unrelated, contemporaneous events,” said Sanjiv Talwar, Managing Director, Risk Capital & Stress Testing at Bank of Montreal. He was addressing a webinar audience on May 7, 2013 as the first speaker in a panel organized by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP).  He summarized the categorization of uncertainty by Courtney et al. in “Strategy Under Uncertainty”, Harvard Business Review. There is a variety of tools available to help manage the uncertainty, Talwar noted: option evaluation, game theory, pattern recognition, […]

Measuring the ROI of GRC. Part 2: Solutions to “Absorb Regulatory Demands”

An unprecedented amount of new regulations “has led to risk assessment fatigue,” said John Kelly, Market Segment Manager in Business Analytics at IBM. He was the second of two speakers who addressed a GARP webinar audience on March 28, 2013 on the topic of the return on investment (ROI) on governance, risk assessment, and compliance (GRC). Most of the presentation referred to the study “Guidebook: Understanding the Financial Value of GRC Management” released in October 2012 by Nucleus Research that was talked about by Hyoun Park in the first part of the presentation. When it comes to regulation, there is […]

Measuring the ROI of GRC. Part 1: “Your Mileage May Vary”

When looking at the return on investment (ROI), “it’s not about getting the highest number—it’s what is most defensible,” said Hyoun Park, Principal Analyst at Nucleus Research. Park was speaking on March 28, 2013 to a webinar audience on the topic of how to quantitatively measure the ROI on governance, risk assessment, and compliance (GRC). The two-speaker panel, convened by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), based their remarks on a study released in October 2012 by Nucleus Research (cover shown here). The report states “this research was conducted in context of the usage of IBM OpenPages, a software […]

Monitoring Risk While Pursuing High Returns: Who Pays the Piper?

“Rating biases affect how we think about methodologies,” said Elliot Noma, Managing Director at Garrett Asset Management. “A rating agency paid by the issuer will likely give the firm the benefit of the doubt,” whereas a rating agency paid by the investor might want to more stringently evaluate the firm. “Both evaluations have the risk of error” due to bias. Noma was speaking about evaluation of credit risk as part of the webinar presentation “Monitoring Risk While Pursuing High Returns” on March 7, 2013 organized by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP).  He began by dividing non-structured credit exposure […]