
SM 2. Good Insight Into The Social Ecosystem

“Customers, employees, and suppliers are empowered” through social media, said Barbara Gray, CFA, Equity Analyst and Founder of Brady Capital Research, (BCR) and this fosters the growth of firms that behave responsibly to them. Her company actively promotes investment in companies with “positive social capital.” Gray was the second panellist (of four) to address the topic “The Impact of Social Media on the Investment Process” at a CFA Toronto Society gathering held in the gallery of the TMX Broadcast Centre on the evening of May 21, 2014. As an example of negative social capital, she cited a case of Air […]

Fixing Broken Windows 3. Operation Perfect Hedge

The past seven years of Operation Perfect Hedge have been a “whirlwind,” said David Chaves, Securities Program Coordinator of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He was the third speaker in the four-part webinar panel on March 11, 2014, “Fixing the Financial Industry’s Broken Windows,” sponsored by GARP. The undercover operation was born in 2007, amid the confluence of several factors that produced the financial crisis. At the time, there were a couple of “pump and dump” schemes but the FBI “couldn’t put anyone in,” Chaves said. Two individuals were identified by the Securities and Exchange Commission through market analysis. “Those […]

Commercial Credit Analytics 2: A Missed Opportunity

Many banks are wasting the loans data they capture, according to David O’Connell, Senior Analyst, Aite Group, a financial services consulting group. This posting summarizes the second half of his webinar organized by the Global Association of Risk Professionals on February 20, 2014. O’Connell contrasted marketing teams with underwriting teams. Marketing teams use predictive analytics to decide which customers are most likely to respond to certain campaigns. They are very forward-thinking in devising the “customer next best action,” he said. O’Connell encouraged the credit and underwriting teams to have a similar outlook—to also make use of predictive analytics to determine “borrower […]

Commercial Credit Analytics 1: Under-utilized Tools

“There is a surprising under-utilization of common tools,” said David O’Connell, Senior Analyst, Aite Group, a financial services consulting group, during a webinar organized by the Global Association of Risk Professionals on February 20, 2014. He was referring to a survey by Aite Group of about twenty North American commercial loan underwriting professionals (responses as at quarter end Q3 2012). O’Connell characterized the under-utilization as “surprising” because loan underwriting is such an important part of banking. O’Connell was formerly a loan underwriting and loans officer, and was clearly familiar with the details of commercial lending and its role in “Banking […]

Graph Analytics: A New Approach to Risk Management

According to the World Economic Forum, “personal data is becoming a new economic asset class, a valuable resource for the 21st century that will touch all aspects of society.” The New York Times likens big data to a resource like crude oil. What, then will extract the useful component from the raw data? What reaction vessel will synthesize new things from the raw data? Cray, the supercomputer company, has a spin-off data manipulation company, Yarcdata, that specializes in graph analytics. Graph analytics refers to models of complex networks of data in a graphical representation of nodes and edges. “Analysis of […]

Leveraging Risk Analytics. Part 1

“The new risk management role has a dual responsibility: to the organization, and to achieve business goals. When they contradict each other, the business profitability must come first,” said Boaz Galinson, VP and Head of Credit Risk Modeling and Measurement at Bank Leumi. He was the first of two speakers at a GARP webinar on leveraging risk analytics to drive competitive advantage held September 17, 2013. Galinson referred to the Accenture 2011 Global Risk Management Survey of the 400 biggest corporations (including the 40 biggest banks). Of the respondents, 93 percent said that “sustainability of future profitability” was important or […]

Celebrity Gossip for the Finance Nerds

I stumbled on a small piece of paradise when I came across Milevsky’s book, The 7 Most Important Equations for Your Retirement: The Fascinating People and Ideas Behind Planning Your Retirement Income. This book is stuffed with anecdotes about the mathematical geniuses who derived the equations that are central to retirement planning. “Getting an equation named after you isn’t easy. Unlike a building, hospital ward or even a business school, money can’t buy you this sort of fame,” Milevsky writes. “You must own a very sharp set of knives.” In my undergrad days in chemistry, I recall the moment it dawned on […]

Quant Chalkboard: A New Way to Aggregate

The Gumbel copula is the best way to aggregate losses in economic capital, says Yimin Yang, Director of Model Risk and Capital Management Practice at Protiviti, a global consulting firm. “This copula has asymmetrical behaviour and can model fat tails the best” of the numerous copulas he has tried recently. He was speaking at a GARP webinar on August 20, 2013. Yang began by explaining that a copula was a broad class of mathematical function that could be used to describe the joint distribution function between two or more other functions. Such a joint cumulative distribution function (CDF) must determine […]

Quant Chalkboard: Data, Models & Concepts

“People are more likely to believe something that comes as data,” said Joe Pimbley, Principal, Maxwell Consulting, “but you shouldn’t necessarily believe the data.” Pimbley, a lead investigator for the examiner appointed by the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy court, addressed financial risk management professionals at a GARP webinar on August 6, 2013. [Ed. Note Click here to read Joe Pimbley – “Why Lehman Brothers Failed When It Did” on Stories.Finance.] Pimbley said that model builders must always look at data with the eyes of a skeptic. With a PhD in physics he is conversant with models devised to predict the “real world” and […]

Financial Shenanigans: Forensic Accounting in Practice

There are ample opportunities for financial shenanigans in North American companies, according to Howard Schilit, founder of Schilit Forensics LLC and author of the classic Financial Shenanigans: How to Detect Accounting Gimmicks & Fraud in Financial Reports, first published in 1993 and now in its third edition. He led a mid-day seminar on characteristics of poor accounting practices at the CFA Society Toronto downtown offices on May 30, 2013. “Financial shenanigans are not necessarily illegal,” explained Schilit, but they are practices that “are not nice to perpetrate on someone” and could, if unchecked, slip into criminality. Given the extensive subject […]