
Platform of the Future

What will be the ideal modelling platform of future bankers? It will need to contain key functionalities in model execution, scenario management, and a “risk engine” that will deliver answers for multiple horizons at the loan level. Furthermore, it should implement the most advanced modelling suites, reduce the quants’ time to develop models, and contain simulation capabilities for stress testing and beyond. This bold vision of the future was presented by Martim Rocha, Advisory Business Solution Manager at SAS. He was the second of two presenters at the February 25, 2016, webinar offered by the Global Association of Risk Professionals […]

Integrated Data and Modelling

How can today’s bankers prepare for tomorrow’s challenges? Consider the financial models built using available data. Data collection and financial modelling used to be conducted in each different silos of the bank, with credit separate from market, which was separate from treasury and other groups). Then data became “managed” and modelling was moved to “platforms” which did not mix well between the various silos. A few brave souls began to integrate the data management for different groups of the bank. Other brave souls tried to integrate the modelling. This was the phase of integration achieved through batch calculations. Now, the […]

“Not Only The What But The How”

When it comes to financial data for stress testing, there’s a good news-bad news aspect. The good news may be that a bank did not suffer severe financial stress but the bad news is that it will be harder for the bank to model “bad events” if it does not have such data. And banks “will get written up if [the regulators] don’t believe their bad events,” said Tara Heusé Skinner, Manager at SAS Risk Research & Quantitative Solutions, and co-author of The Bank Executive’s Guide to Enterprise Risk Management. She was the first presenter of two at the May […]

Alternative Mutual Funds 1

Alternative mutual funds have been experiencing a growth “nothing short of phenomenal,” said Amy Poster, Director of Financial Services Advisory at Berdon LLP, “and this has not escaped the notice of the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE).” She was the first of three speakers in a webinar about alternative mutual funds held on February 17, 2015, and sponsored by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). She pointed to a 2014 Barclays study, Developments and Opportunities for Hedge Fund Managers in the ’40 Act Space , that estimated assets controlled by liquid alternative funds would reach between $USD […]

Cyber Risks: “the New Normal”

“We are living in the middle of a cyber war,” said Christophe LeSieur, Global Practice Lead of Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) at CSC. He was the first of two presenters at a webinar on cybersecurity sponsored by the Global Association of Risk Professionals held on December 16, 2014. He described “the new normal” as “an environment of unprecedented tension” whose mega-trends are: social media, information technology (IT) and internet everywhere, proliferating platforms (mobile, bring your own device[BYOD]), and a huge quantity of data. The world is becoming ever more different, and the number of attacks is growing. Just this […]

Where is the Common Thread?

Thanks to “Rube Goldberg infrastructure” and a lack of attention, banks “have been mixing together data that have no common thread,” said Allan D. Grody, founder of Financial InterGroup Holdings. “Now is our chance to fix the plumbing.” Grody was the third of four panellists to address the July 22, 2014 GARP webinar on changes to risk data aggregation and reporting. His talk continued a theme of improved risk data management that he has spoken about before to GARP audiences. The “astonishing” aftermath of the 2008 Lehman fiasco—where banks were scrambling to determine exposure to a bankrupt counterparty—“has become the […]

Challenges to Risk Data Aggregation: Overview

Will financial institutions be able to respond to new challenges of risk data aggregation, reporting and record-keeping? Peter J. Green, Partner of Morrison & Foerster LLP, opened the four-panellist webinar organized by GARP on July 22, 2014, to discuss new risk data aggregation, risk reporting and recordkeeping principles. He indicated that the recent financial crisis had caused regulators to see many gaps in risk reporting and aggregation due to deficiencies in banks’ IT and data architecture. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) gave a mandate to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) “to develop principles for effective risk data aggregation […]

A Day in the Life: Risk Managers

Financial risk management is a stimulating and worthwhile livelihood, according to four panellists who convened on May 14, 2014, to describe their careers in the industry.  A rainy afternoon did not discourage an audience of about sixty risk professionals and students from attending the meeting of the Toronto Chapter of the Global Association of Risk Professionals which was held in the new KPMG offices on Bay Street. Xiaobo Wang, Director of Credit Risk Audit at Scotiabank, acted as the evening’s moderator. He posed several questions to four panellists: the nature of their work, what is a “typical day,” and how […]

Risk Data Aggregation & Risk Reporting. Part 2

“Not everything that can be counted counts,” said Mike Donovan, VP, Strategic Risk Analytics & Credit Portfolio Management at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC). He was the second speaker to address the September 19, 2013 evening meeting of the Toronto chapter of GARP regarding the set of Principles for Effective Risk Data Aggregation & Risk Reporting released by the Basel Committee in January 2013. CIBC, like other Canadian banks, is adapting to the heightened risk management data requirements and building the foundation for future sustainable growth. Donovan used the opening quote by Einstein to remind the audience that big […]

Risk Data Aggregation & Risk Reporting. Part 1

During the throes of the last financial crisis, banks and regulators alike “struggled” to get good quality information. “The infrastructure was not there,” said James Dennison, CFA, Managing Director, Operational Risk Division, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI). To enhance banks’ risk management infrastructure, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) released a set of Principles for Effective Risk Data Aggregation & Risk Reporting in January 2013. Dennison was first to speak on the evening of September 19, 2013 at the Toronto chapter meeting of the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). It was convened at First Canadian Place to allow […]